
30% Anzahlung leisten und Platz sichern (Information zum Gesamtbetrag unter „Kosten”)

SAT 11/05 10.00-12.30

Price: 66€

Do you feel like you need to release some stored tension in your 
body before you can fully surrender?
Is your mind busy with thoughts, tasks and to do´s when you actually try to
let go?
Would you like to create a smooth transition from your everyday life into a more
surrendered state?

In my Kundalini Activation Sessions I have been observing that sometimes
the most difficult part is to let go of our busy monkey mind in 
order to fully drop into our most embodied self.

Non Linear Movement is a movement practice that trusts in the wisdom of 
your body and allows you to move with what is present for you in the here and now. 
There truly is no right or wrong .. 
I will guide you through a gentle, playful exploration of what wants to be felt and released
in order to create more freedom for your nervous system to let go. 

From there we enter the second part of this session: We work with your Life Force energy.
Within a Kundalini Activation we can enter higher states of consciousness and connect to the more subtle realms
of our humanness. 

This 2,5 hour journey is an invitation for actually all of you .. there is absolutely no experience required 
for both modalities. 

It would be lovely to have you. Feel free to reach out if you have questions. 
Much love, Maria.

30% Anzahlung (20€). Den Restbetrag bitte in Bar mitbringen!

Maria Strauss wurde in Österreich geboren und lebt ihre Bestimmung voll aus, indem sie verschiedene Yogastile unterrichtet, Transformative Bodywork Sitzungen und Kundalini Activation Transmissions anbietet. Sie hat sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, Frauen zurück in den Einklang mit ihrer femininen Essenz zu führen und Menschen auf der ganzen Welt mit ihrer Essenz, der Kundalini-Energie, zu verbinden.

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